University of Montevallo ADA Procedures and Guidelines For Employment Related Matters
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the University of Montevallo is committed to making its services, facilities, and programs to employees, students, visitors, qualified applicants for employment and qualified applicants for enrollment, including people with disabilities (UM Policy 01:130).
The University of Montevallo provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities to enable them to perform the essential functions of their positions or to apply for available positions. Every individual with a disability is welcome to request reasonable accommodations. As a result of a temporary or permanent disability, a faculty or staff member who needs a minor modification to their work environment may discuss necessary accommodations with their supervisor, department head, dean or division head and work interactively to accomplish reasonable accommodations. Reasonable accommodation requests of a major nature should be made directly to the Director of Human Resources and Risk Management/Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action & Title IX Compliance Officer, who is available to assist in any phase of the employment or vocational accommodation process.
All information discussed or submitted in support of your request will be kept as confidential as possible, shared only to the extent necessary with those involved in evaluating and/or implementing the request.
Below is the contact information for individuals who have been designated to assist with ADA accommodation matters and their specific areas of expertise. These individuals may work separately or in concert to review and/or fulfill accommodation requests.
Employee or Employment accommodation contact:
Ashley Baugh
Director of Human Resources, Deputy Title IX, and EO Officer
Station 6091
Student accommodation contact:
Tomeiko Scott , ADA/504 Compliance Officer
Director of Access and Compliance, Title IX Coordinator
Station 6250
Building accommodation contact:
Coty Jones
Director, Physical Plant
Station 6130
Events and Visitors accommodation contact: